You can help the Preserve in many ways including participating in workdays at the Preserve, assisting with fund raising events, giving guided tours, and providing office support. Another important way you can support our work is by becoming a member of the Friends of Matanzas Pass Preserve.
The primary volunteer activity are the workdays in the Preserve which are scheduled every two weeks during the year (see list of upcoming activities on the left or view the monthly calendar.) Volunteers assemble on a designated Saturday at 8 a.m. either at the Historical Cottage at the end of Bay Street or in the Red Coconut's maintenance parking lot at the end of Donora Blvd. Exotic vegetation removal and native plant restoration are usually two of the principle activities of workdays. Other activities include boardwalk and trail maintenance and and the collection of seeds for replanting of native plants. Appropriate clothing for the volunteers is recommended. Gloves and work tools are provided by the Friends. Drinking water and fresh fruit are also provided to the volunteers. Volunteer workdays are announced in the local Fort Myers Beach newspapers and in the Town of Fort Myers Beach website at
There are other volunteer opportunities aside from working directly in the Preserve such as:
* Interpretive activities as guided tours, displays, writing articles;
* Desktop publishing, newsletters, brochures, informational handouts;
* Grant writing;
* Organizing lecture series;
* Fund raising activities;
* Photography;
* Promotional activities, public speaking;
* Native plant and tree sales;
* Bookkeeping, accounting, and Section 501©3 record keeping and reporting;
* Web page design and development.
To become a volunteer, contact the Volunteer Facilitator, James Rodwell at 239-565-7437.
If you wish to become more involved beyond working as a volunteer, you are encouraged to join the Friends of the Preserve. Benefits of Membership include:
* Attending regular Board and Membership meetings;
* Receiving invitations and participating in special events, fund raisers and
educational lectures;
* Actively participating in planning and operating of the Preserve in conjunction
with Lee County Parks and Recreation personnel;
* Receiving quarterly copies of the Friends newsletter, The Mangrove.
* Having the opportunities to serve as a Board or Committee member
The application form to become a member of the Friends, either as an individual, family, or as a business or not-for-profit organization.