
To protect, enhance, and educate about the Preserve

History of the Preserve

The efforts of many people, residents and visitors alike, have played a part in the history of this parcel of property. Calusa Indians, Martha Redd, nature photographers John and Harriett Dunning, The Nature Conservancy, and Lee County Government all play a role in the history of the Matanzas Preserve. 

It is a black and white drawing of a group of men fighting each other.

Calusa engaging in human sacrifice

Early History

The early inhabitants of the area were the Calusas or Calos (fierce people) with a chief named Carlos. Early chronicles indicate that Ponce de Leon landed in Florida in 1513 and was killed by the Calusas in 1521. The name of the area which incorporates Matanzas Pass appears to come from the Spanish word "matanzas" for "slaughters". This name was fairly descriptive of the events that took place between the Spanish and the native inhabitants in this part of Florida during the first part of the 16th Century. The Calusa met their demise almost 150 years later due to increasing hostilities, disease, and political and economic upheaval.

The first permanent residents of the area arrived toward the end of the 19th Century and the first owners of what is now the Matanzas Pass Preserve were Dr. and Mrs. Winkler who arrived on Estero Island in 1912. The Winklers bought a parcel of property from the Gulf of Mexico to Matanzas Pass including the Preserve area. Dr. Winkler built the two-story Beach Hotel and pier on the Gulf of Mexico by moving lumber to Estero Island by barge.

Recent History

The Winklers were attended by Martha Redd in their later years. When they died in 1938, she inherited the property on the bay side of Estero Boulevard in pristine condition. As the development boom was beginning, Martha Redd was under pressure to sell her large parcel of land. For 36 years Martha had lived on the land in the area of the Matanzas Pass Preserve with little improvement and was criticized for living in a jungle. Upon her death in 1973, Martha Redd’s nieces and nephews inherited her property which was believed to be 55 acres. While they were initially interested in selling it for development, they ended up selling 43 acres of $125,000 to nature photographers and island residents, John and Harriett Dunning in October 1974.

A small white house with a ramp and a palm tree in front of it.

Historic cottage at entrance to Preserve

Creation of the Preserve

The Dunning's donated 22 acres to The Nature Conservancy, keeping one acre for themselves, and offered to sell the rest of the property to Fort Myers Beach residents for $105,000.00. Through tremendous grass-root efforts, residents and visitors raised the money to buy the remaining acres and completed the purchase two years later. The Dunning's then donated the remaining 21 acres to the Nature Conservancy. With this goal achieved, The Nature Conservancy was given possession of the Matanzas Preserve in 1977 to insure that this area would remain in conservation. A local volunteer committee named the “Stewardship Committee” was established to oversee the property and this was the beginning of the “Friends of Matanzas Preserve.”

A small house on stilts in the middle of a body of water surrounded by trees.

Rotary Pavilion on Estero Bay

Developing and Protecting the Preserve

To make the Preserve a resource that would be available to residents and visitors alike required a great deal of work. Clearing paths, hauling debris, building an elevated boardwalk with bridges, placing benches, and trimming vegetation began in 1977 with volunteers including students from teacher Bill Hammond’s Environmental Education Program - the Monday Group, from Lee County Schools, and Boy Scout Troops. The Fort Myers Beach Rotary Club built the Rotary Pavilion on the bay, Estero Island Garden Club landscaped the entrance and Lois Gressman, an original member of the Friends group, wrote a trail guide. The Nature Conservancy officially opened the Preserve with a ribbon cutting ceremony January 20, 1979 with the title, Matanzas Pass Wilderness Preserve. Click here to view the original program from this grand opening of the Preserve. (Program courtesy of Robin Krivanek.)

Unfortunately, in June 1992, vandals destroyed the main bridge causing the closing of the Preserve. The Nature Conservancy held a meeting to investigate management alternatives. After exploring possibilities, The Nature Conservancy donated the property to Lee County in 1994 to insure proper future management and protection of the natural resources. The title of the Preserve was changed to reflect a possible discrepancy between the term “wilderness” and what the site actually represents.

Creation of the Friends of Matanzas Pass Preserve

At the time of the passage of title, the Lee County Commission asked the “Stewardship Committee” with the help of the County to maintain the Preserve and to act as stewards to keep the Preserve as originally intended - - an undeveloped Preserve. On Oct. 15, 1996, the Stewardship Committee was formally incorporated as the “Friends of the Matanzas Preserve, Inc.”, a not for profit corporation in the State of Florida. The Corporation has been in good standing since the date of its formation and continues to work to protect and enhance the preserve and to provide education opportunities about it.

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